. . . every third pick-up on the road would riot.

When I stopped to get some groceries yesterday, I noticed this pretty little dog, alone in a parked truck beside me. He seemed anxious . . .

. . . and then jumped out to run around my feet. When I went to walk into the store, he did too.
A checker immediately stopped him, asked if it was my dog and when I explained what happened, she took over. I suggested she try to find the owner, "possibly shopping in the pet food aisle?"
She gave me that "I've got a better idea because yours won't work" look and commanded the dog to "COME!" When I pointed to the grey pick-up, she marched over to it with the obedient dog, on her tip-toes reached inside the heavy tail gate and unlatched it.
With her best marine drill instructor voice, she commanded the dog . . . "IN, UP!" and when that totally worked, she issued forcefully, "STAY!"
She slammed that tail gate shut with purpose and the sitting dog didn't move an inch. Ok, so that's how it's done here . . .

1 comment:
Good writeup. But from the dog's point of view, no one ties up cats so what's the problem?
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