Sunday, May 13, 2012

Coronado Trail National Scenic Byway (AZ)

 Yesterday we started the 120 mile scenic drive north through AZ.  The first part of the drive rims the largest copper strip mine in the US.

 As far as the eye can see, an entire mountain range seems to have been taken out.  Interesting how there are many (pull off) view places built by the Morenci Mining Company along the winding road - a grand testimony to how they've forever changed the mountains?

 Exploring a broken down abandoned corral on National Forest land --

 -- we found someone had left a huge coyote pelt, dried and stiff in the sun, over a gate.

 Spotting a roadside sign for the Tal Wi Wi lodge in Alpine (9,000 ft), we pulled in to have a look around.  Annie the owner rushed out when she saw our two Rubicons and had to tell us, she also owned two Rubicons.

 Her husband Ted also came out to greet us and tell us about their two Rubicons.  He showed us around their newly built bar and registration that just opened for the season.  Everyone calls the area the Tall Wee Wee.  It means "where the first light of the sun touches the fertile earth".

 When we could pick a room with these views of the meadows and mountains (and a hot tub) - we decided to stay two nights.

 Driving some back roads around Alpine, we spotted our first black bear on the edge of a golf course . . . after a few minutes (from far) we noticed he never moved  . . .

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