Sunday, May 27, 2012

Easy Repair near Jasper, Arkansas

  On the driving days we feel like it, we have a photo contest.  We agree on a subject and find simple prizes to buy.   It's a little tricky when the only two contestants are the only two voting - but it works out . . .

  I won the subject:  "Red and Wild" yesterday with this road sign --

  -- and won again today:   "Unusual Signs".

  The owner jogged across the hiway calling, "Can I help you?" when he saw me taking photos.  He asked why and I explained, "I think I just won a photo contest with your great sign!"

   He immediately started asking me questions - "Were you able to read the letters from the road?"   He explained how he found the motorcycle part ("Kawasaki" he added) in a ditch a few dozen yards away and got inspired . . .  that another guy who has a much bigger sign "down the way" is getting all the motorcycle repair business though.

   So we discussed my suggestion of a large wooden sign propped against the base, facing traffic.  He was jazzed, he did lots of size measurements with his hands.

   We heartily shook hands as we said g'bye.  I asked, he answered -- "They call me 'Easy' in these parts".   "Nice meeting you and good luck", I replied.

1 comment:

waves02 said...

felt like I was with you.. this is wonderful...